Sunday, February 21, 2010

Fulfilling Childhood Dreams

"When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things."

When I was a child I wanted to be a ballerina. I don't think its too uncommon a dream for a young girl. When I was about 6-7 years old I used to put on the Nutcracker and make any guests my parents ever had sit down and watch me "perform". Now I am older and long past the years at which point a ballerina retires. But I'm outta shape. I'm looking for a a personal challenge, and the silly girlhood dream and the necessity to get fit have converged.

I took my first real class last Saturday. I was so nervous that my tight covered knees were literally knocking. Slightly late for class I took my place at the back of the line up at the barre. I worked hard, tried to utilize the proper technique that I have been learning through ballet dvd classes and found that I had really learned alot from viewing them. The instructor was great, and class was a blast. I had so much fun that I left with a spring in my step and a smile in my heart. I can hardly wait for the next class. My personal goal is to get en pointe. I know it takes long, real, hard training, but that is my goal.

Here's to not acting like a child in that we put away childish thoughts and reasoning and to a God who loves us all as His own children and gives us the desires of our hearts. Cheers with chocolate cookies and a latte'!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Demi Knitting

I've wanted to knit Demi since I ordered this Rowan book a couple of years ago. I started to knit Salina and just got too bored of it and frogged it. I decided that the Reynolds Whiskey I've had FOREVER and the Demi pattern must be destined for each other, and so it begins. I've already made a couple of mistakes on the back section. They aren't noticeable enough to rip. I can hardly believe I'm saying that since I am a true perfectionist, but I really just don't feel like it. The snow is still piled in my yard. Its dreary and cold outside, and I hate to complain or wish it away, but I really am a little anxious for spring. I guess I'll just knit to pass the time. Nice excuse to knit, huh?

I also decided I'd knit little squares in garter stitch to used up odds and ends that won't amount to much of any kind of garment. I hate waste, so I'm thinking it will all turn to be a nice afghan some day.....slowly, but surely.