Thursday, September 25, 2008

Making Progress with Honeycomb

I have finally finished the back and have cast on for the front of Honeycomb. I fumbled my way through the back twisted rib using my bamboo circulars. I wanted to fling it out the window. The points were not sharp enough to do the twisted purled stitches without great effort. Then (big duh) I remembered that I had metal circulars in this size. What a relief! Now I'm flying through that twisted rib with ease.


MRS MJW said...

Wow...this looks like two totally different colors in different lights.

Sam and Melissa Sahlstrom said...

Off the topic, I was on another blog and saw your comment about knowing some great remedies for Whooping Cough. Could you share them with me? I have 2 children who are suffering especially at night.


Sweetpea4kids said...

I love this pattern. cant wait to see yours finished.

MRS MJW said...

Me too Sweet Pea.