Just look at that squishy, yummy goodness. Its Kollage 1/2 N 1/2. I had never used yarn made of milk before.
Just a sneak peek. :-)
My other little project I will post here for anyone who might be interested. It was inspired by my daughter's hating to wear her eye patch (due to a lazy eye). The eye patches are ugly and plain...you know, not girly. So I decided to knit her one. I was first concerned about the fibers getting into her eye. Knit tightly and using a cotton blend helped this problem. This patch is reverseable and cute (imo). I will post the finished product soon.
Cute little kitty heads.
...and an I-cord.
My last photo is just an update on my "Perfected Henley" from Interweave Knits Mag. I only have the sleeves to finish, but what can I say??? I get kinda flighty when i comes to finishing these things sometimes. I was so excited to do my project for Cast On that I put it on hold. Hopefully it will be done and I'll be able to wear it before it gets too warm out. :-) I'm hoping blocking is gonna do wonders for this puppy.
If anyone knows how to publish patterns for free on Ravelry and has a moment to explain this process to me I'd love the input. Thanks.
The eye patch is so clever and cute!
Sorry, I haven't yet figured out the ins and outs of Ravelry.
Thank you. Necessity is indeed the mother of invention in this case. :-)
How wonderful to get published! I love the creative eye wear. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
How exciting!!! Being published in Cast On. Isn't that the magazine put out by The Knitters Guild? Do you have to be a guild member to purchase the magazine?
How clever. I would have never thought to knit an eye patch. They sure are cute!
Thanks for the visit to check out my shrug and wish me feeling better. It's working! :o)
CONGRATS! On being published in Cast On!!!
Could you send me an e-mail to: crimsondiva1999@yahoo.com
Thank you. I am excited. :-)....though don't feel I'm as qualified as some of you guys.
Congrats on getting a pattern published - it looks beautiful so far :-)
The eye patch is adorable - what a great idea!
How exciting to get a pattern published. I'd have to be more careful...you know like actually check my gauge and stuff like that if I were to ever even try for that.
I love the eye patch too. Oh! and thanks for stopping by my blog. It's great finding a fun blog like yours.
Congrats on getting published! I just have to ask you HOW you managed that! I'm a master knitter and would love to get something published in Cast On!
I can't help you with Ravelry. Sorry.
Looking forward to seeing the Henley blocked.
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving me a comment, Your eye patch is very cute, and an inspired idea. Jane
I love the eye patch idea, so cute. I'm afraid that I've not sussed out uploading paterns to Ravelry (yet!)
Thanks for the compliments. You guys are so sweet. I guess I'll have to go over to Rav and figure it out now. Thank you all.
Congrats on being published! How exciting! Love the Kitties too.
I'm not Ravelry/computer literate, but they have a great Help site & answer questions quickly (I've needed their help twice)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)
Good luck with your pattern. I've heard that yarn with milk is very soft but never had the chance to feel it.
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