Usually I take a break from knitting in the spring/summer months. Let's face it, when it gets to the hotter months its just no fun having a lump of wool in your lap especially if you live in humid places. Nevertheless, I just can't stop myself this year. I am getting published again! Cast On Winter issue. So don't forget to buy fall and winter Cast On issues. ;-) I am designing a top down, in the round raglan sweater for myself hopefully to be published at a later date in a book? That's my sorta extravagant idea. Now that my second pattern has been accepted I gotta knit up the garment for the magazine. They sent me this lovely yarn from Kollage so aptly named "Scrumptuous". It is sooooo soft and yummy. I know the price is outta my league, but if you guys can afford it....go for it. The color is so rich and genuine.
Back to the top down raglan for a second....the short rows underneath the armpits really gave me a bother. That is putting it nicely I assure you. I got on ravelry and asked everyone I could bother about it. I searched You Tube for videos explaining short row hole closures. It just wasn't working for what I was trying to make it do. I kept ending up with the dang HOLES. Blast! So, what finally figured out is that it just takes some fiddling with. I did the wrap and turns, but I also on subsequent rows lifted stitches from behind the holes and knit them together with stitches. It ain't perfect. In fact, I think I was hoping for totally invisible short rows. However, in light of it all it does seem to work into the sorta decreases I want to do on the body shaping part so all is not lost. Yea!
Here's a peek at the progress and the short rows.
Just some little remnants. I ALWAYS try to used them. I hate waste.