Upon the advice of the veterinarian who put down our Huck my dh rushes right out and purchases our new addition/addiction. Introducing Stanley, our 11 week old great pyrenees. He seems to get along with our poodle well and just LOVES the kids. It is amazing the difference purebreds make. I don't mean in that they are necessarily better dogs (disclaimer for those who love mutts...yes, mom, I'm talking to you.), just that the pure breeds have predictable temperments. Pyrenees are great with kids and families. We can tell already that Stanley will fit in just fine. I did however ask my sweet and thoughtful husband if he would PLEASE not bring me anything else that poops for a while.
If you read this blog you will know that I have five kids and homeschool them all [translates] I am busy!!!. I love my career, but yes, it is time consuming. Some people assume that because you are busy you are unhappy. Not me. I love being busy. I also take the advice of my elders very seriously. I have had so many older men and women tell me to enjoy my children to the fullest while they are in my care. "It goes too fast" they all say. I can believe it. I try to relish every moment. I want to spend as much time with them as possible til they grow up and have their own lives with their own families. AND if I do a good job, maybe they'll let me come 'round to visit my grandchildren. Smile.
Baseball season is starting which means there will be less frequent posting for a while. I don't knit often in the warmer months. I like to be out gardening during this time if I can. I have been mulching and planting like crazy. Therefore I have nothing to show for myself in terms of knitting, but here is my littlest one wrapped up in his Nana's knitting. Ain't he cute???