Spring means sewing and not just the kind you do on the sewing machine. My husband just bought another bag of bulbs for me to plant. Last week my children and I planted Gladiolas all along the fence. Last summer my daughter and I planted Irises in various places all over the yard (maybe thirty?). This winter she and I planted eighty tulip bulbs around the yard. The tulips are already poking their green leafy parts out of the ground. The irises also have about 4-5 inches of greenery showing. It reminds me of hope. When we bought the house nine months ago it was all moss (instead of grass) and not one flower on the premises. There still is no grass...but how sad...so little green. I would post a picture, but there just isn't anything to show yet. My dh and I mulched flower beds a couple of weeks ago, and I planted pansies and some evergreen ground cover thingy that was quite pretty with just a bit of purple in it. I realized that the yucky looking twiggy things along the fence I cut way back last fall turned out to be forsythia. Oops! We have a chain link fence so any cover is welcome. I am thinking of growing ivy over it to give us more privacy. I have one measly rose bush as my yard doesn't get much sun on account of the many oak trees on our property. Still...this is my house. It is the first one that belongs to me. I want it to reflect me. I have and always will be an artist at heart. I haven't painted any paintings in about a year and a half. My lawn and my flower beds have become my canvas. Gardening is therapy. All that sunshine is worth more to me than any other kind of therapy. Spring is certainly welcome. I have been yearning for it. I feel like parched land finally coming into some rain. I can just feel my body soaking up the sunshine soothing my winter blues. Sewing is so much fun...though it takes a bit of patience. I am anxious to see what comes of it.
I have also done some recent sewing of the other kind. The happy recipients pictured here. Aren't they beautiful? I had to post the picture...not just because the designs were mine but because they also reflect spring in their dresses and their sweet smiling faces. The other is just a kitchen apron I made. I had been so inspired by the many I keep seeing on other's blogs that I had to make one for myself. There is also the nasty habit I have of wiping my hands on my clothes while cooking. I love the fabric print. I seem to really be into pink, red and yellow lately.
The aprons are beautiful and gosh, I know just what you mean about the therapy of feeling the sun on our skin. We had some sun today, cold but bright and we rushed outside to come alive.
What beautiful dresses!
Many blessings...
Thank you. Thank you.
I don't know who "anonymous" is in this particular post but your comments are not welcome as they are considered particularly offensive. Thank you. FYI..."constructive" criticism is welcome. :-)
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