The first socks are some I finished about 3 or 4 months ago. (please ignore the very pale pastey skin.) They are made with some lovely Trekking XXL that I purchased at Sassafrass in Kalispell, MT. (I miss Montana.) I love the ribbing, and the yarn washes nicely!
The second pair of socks is well...not so pretty. (be nice) The pattern and the color together make them look "reptillian".
The third pair are a work in progress. I started them last night while watching the Laker's kick the Warrior's behinds. GO KOBE! The black yarn is Knit Picks, and the lighter yarn is the multi (greenish) Trekking XXL again. (I had some left over.) I thought about using them to make Eunny's Endpaper Mitts, but the yarn wanted to be socks. Far be it from me to squash the yarn's dreams of becoming stripey socks. Hey, I'm a nice girl. What can I say?
I think both of your finished pairs of socks look great. Love the colors in the trekking but I also like the texture of the gray socks. Great job.
Great socks! I think my favorite part about your post is that you let your yarn be what it wants to be. It's very zen, and sometimes just what you have to do. Someday maybe my yarn will want to be socks. It hasn't happened yet, but that may be because the universe knows how much socks scare me.
Thanks also for your comment on my blog way back in February. I'm just now getting around to thanking everyone for their comments!
Thanks. The socks still sit in a basket unfinished...even though the yarn aspires to be socks it is evidently not in a hurry to get there. ;-)
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