Here's a new free pattern for you guys.
Cell Phone Cozy
By: Christine H. Wilkins
Okay, so I know you’re saying to yourself, “A cell phone cozy, does my
phone really need a cozy and why should I take my precious time to
knit it one?”
Reasons to knit your cell phone a cozy:
Your cell phone works hard for your every day…What have you done
for “it” lately?
The tea pot has a cozy, the Ipod has a cozy, even the coffee mug has a
cozy. All day, every day your cell phone has to know that it’s the only
appliance now without apparel.
Just look how snug and warm the cell phone in the picture looks. You
really don’t want your cell phone to catch any of those crazy viruses
out there.
For less than ten cents a day you can support your cell phone (and
others like it) by taking a few moments a day to knit a round or two
towards helping your cell phone have a brighter and happier future.
Really? I mean, don’t we have enough knitted “things” by now…its all
about the yarn addiction baby, and you know it.
Leftover sock yarn (Regia), about enough for one baby sock (2oz.?)
Color “Rio”,
Co 48 sts
K 3 rounds.
*Yo, k2 tog*, repeat to the end of round.
Knit plain stock st rounds to 4 “from co edge or to just a “tad” longer
than your cell phone.
Turn your work inside out and bo off all sts using the three needle
bind off method.
Seam co edge to inside of cozy so that your picoted edge becomes the
opening edge.
Wow. I just watched your knit and purl videos and found myself mesmerized by your style. Go, girl! If it works, it works.
Thanks for your comments on my site, and I'll be back.
I guess its a little strange. I learned from a right handed person.
Hello! I am Inés from Abuelita Yarns Company. I loved your cozy!! I bet mi celphone wants one ;)
We are a uruguaian brand which sells yarns. If you want to know more about us please enter or if you wish to see our articles and pictures enter
Good luck! :D
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