I can start a new design or something for myself and it seems to take forever, but along comes a cute little baby and the knitting just flies! I was babysitting a cute little bundle this week which also happened to be her birthday. Lucky me! I got inspired by the cute little fat rolls and big blue eyes.
On the other hand I have ripped/frogged about a dozen different designs that started off pretty cool but sorta petered out toward the middle. I dunno what's got into me. I seem to have knitters block or something. I finished the Ribbon Lace Scarf by Veronik Avery last week for a friend's birthday. That was fun. It was actually a relief to knit someone else's design for a change. It was almost like taking a vacation from designing. Have I knitted the heck outta the fun of designing? I hope not. I'll be out in the winter issue of Cast On. I'd like to be in the following issue as well. We'll see.....maybe its the heat? Hmmmm...I'll blame it on the heat. :-)
I totally agree. Knitting for babies is usually so much fun! Imagining how they will look and so on. But during the last month I have not felt like knitting... And I have one sleeve left on a body for the baby I am expecting in 9 days!! I need to knit again I presume...
It won't be cool enough for a sweater for a baby here in 9 days, but CONGRATULATIONS Gunn Elin!!!
Must be because babies are so darned cute! Thanks for stopping by :-)
a sweater for a baby here in 9 days, but CONGRATULATIONS Gunn Elin!!!
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