10. All increases are NOT created equal.
9. Just because something can be knit doesn't mean it should.
8. When faced with opposition of the aggressive type you'll never lose when you respond in LOVE.
7. I would rather have crab grass than no grass at all.
6. Marriage is work.....no matter who you're married to...if it isn't, you're not doing it right. (The same applies to children.)
5. Having a real tree in the living room is kind of a cruel thing to do to dogs and toddlers.
4. Never leave my toddler alone with a chair. He can get into all kinds of mischief to put it mildly.
3. Neighbors can be good things.
2. I need some Ravelry time limits. :-)
1. When someone comes around promising change no matter how charismatic they are make sure its the kind of change you want before you consent.
Merry Christmas!